Thursday, November 26, 2009

a day of thanks

I sit here tonight wondering where to begin. It's been such a long time since I've sat down with the computer, and journaled my thoughts about life...our life. We have had a really busy, for the most part fantastic, month. 

Lil P is now approaching 16 months old...can you believe it?!?! At her 15 month appointment she weighed 26 lbs, putting her in the 90th percentile, and she was in the 75th percentile for her height. Dr. O said she looked great and was developing right on target...YAY! She's eating everything, playing all the time, and smiles almost nonstop. She really is an AMAZING child...and we are both proud to be her parents. Lil P is now giving high fives, identifying her nose and mouth, she is obsessed with bellies...especially belly buttons, and is trying to say "thank you", "ball", "bye bye", and "doggie". Lil P's experienced two significant breathing episodes this past month, that included rapid breathing, coughing, wheezing, ear infections, and upper respiratory infections. Talk about an intense and scary moment for us!! To have a child that can't tell you what's wrong is difficult. But to have moments when you can't "fix" your child is horrible. I felt helpless and scared, but I just continued to pray...and pray...and pray! Really when life gets tough, there's nothing better to do than pray. I'm happy to report that Lil P has been well for the past three weeks, praise God. She's back to her happy, joyful, excited self!!!

On a bit of a sad note Titan the Wonder Dog passed away on Halloween night. He had a wonderful last day with us. He played, he ate, and chased a few random Trick-O-Treaters before going to sleep that night. My parents were in town with us, so they made sure to feed him all the treats and jellybeans he could eat! Needless to say he went out in style and with a full belly. We all went to sleep Halloween night, and when I awoke the next morning my little man was gone. was very sad, but also a bit of a relief. I say that with alot of love, but I worried about my little man alot and wondered if he was in pain. And now I can rest easy knowing that he's happy in heaven eating and playing all the time. I still have difficult moments without him, but that's to be expected...he was with me for over nine years!!!

Tonight as I sit here with my family in Franklin I have so much to be thankful for. An amazing husband who is a rock. A fantastic little lady who can make me smile in a split second. Parents who have loved and supported me through it all. Siblings, their significant others, and nieces that help make me a better person. A great job with endless opportunities. Great extended family both by blood and by marriage. Wonderful friends, both old and new. much to be thankful for this year!!!

Have you counted your many blessings? 
Have you told those close to you that you love them? 
Have you done your part in making your town a better place?

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Love, Momma P

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